Our Work

Utter Rubbish was founded as a student social enterprise to provide environmental, social and economic benefits to the community, local authorities and businesses. After beginning in sustainability consulting we explored the importance of digital data-driven analytics on sustainable practices.

This led to establishing the Utter Rubbish App. An intuitive integrated mobile phone application into councils for citizen awareness. The purpose of the phone app is to reduce recycling waste for local councils and enable citizens to have real-time knowledge of their council’s recycling policies. We have now established partnerships with local governmental bodies, including liaising with officials currently across Staffordshire. Our team is collaborative to the core with a range of stakeholders. Conducting outreach sessions with schools, residents and businesses to improve environmental awareness and sustainable resource usage.

Supporting organisations to become carbon neutral is a key pillar of our strategic purpose. The Utter Rubbish App reduces printing costs through encouraging the further use of existing paperless campaign technologies, which will have a further impact on reducing the level of carbon. Additional benefits include the app tools generating less CO2 than current fly-tipping reporting practices. Over 1,000,000 fly-tipping cases were reported last year in the UK, which could potentially reduce CO2 by up to 25,000kg of carbon per year if all of them were reported by app instead. Helping our societal ecosystem to become greener.